You just met him...

Afraid of wasting the best years of your life on the wrong guy?

Is He A Keeper is an indispensable resource for any woman in a new relationship, or even those who are questioning the one they've been part of for a while!



What you'll learn

Is He A Keeper gives you all the tools you need to find out if the man you're with is worth staying with for a long-term relationship

A Simple 3-Question Survey you can ask him that tells you where his mind is at

Get the answers in 10 minutes or less!

The Three Pillars of a Successful Long-Term Romantic Relationship

Do you have them? Or do you just think you have them?

The Truth about your Current or Past Relationships

Some of our students have learned the hard way that what they thought was perfect was anything but. This shows you how to find the perfect man for you!

How To Build A Successful Partnership with a Man that Makes you Both Happy

All the pieces you need can be found or created... if you meet the right guy!

How would it feel to look at your partner and feel an overwhelming sense of security?

See what other women have to say:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"We’d been together for two years, but I didn't know how to help us move to the next level.
Bryan and this program gave me what I needed to turn our relationship into one he couldn't resist... not one he wanted for Friends With Benefits, which is what we were before.

Once I knew how to handle it the rest was easy. We’re engaged and both very happy now.”


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I wish I had found this course sooner in my life! I never would have married the wrong man the first time. I've never heard or seen information anywhere online that comes close to how accurate Bryan's content is. This stuff should be required reading for any woman thinking about marriage!"


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I was struggling in our relationship. I was meditating in hopes of an answer. I had no idea what I was doing wrong.

This course changed my mindset and showed me what to do. I dropped the guy who was just taking everything from me and found a real Partner to share my life with now!"


Your Course Includes...

Master Manual

The SAME, proven system that led 96% of the 106 women in my study to get involved with the right man rather than just end up being some guy's side piece for years.

Plus These Bonuses

The Checklist

So you don't miss any critical steps while creating the relationship of your dreams.

Mind Maps

Get a bird's eye view of the entire process at a glance. They show you how every step in the system leads to the relationship of your dreams.

The Workbook

Helps you chart out your process with your man. It's how you custom-fit the System to your relationship.

"I was fortunate to meet Bryan and his program when I was involved in a relationship that was going nowhere. The course really pinpointed specifics regarding compatibility, and it was clear that the man I was with was not a good fit. I did the work and called it quits with “Mr. Going Nowhere”.
About a month later I had a friend of a friend reach out and want to get together. He is an awesome guy! Yes, a man and not a boy pretending to be a man! We have been having a lot of fun spending time together and so far, my new guy has it over “Mr. Going Nowhere” by about 1000 percent! Thank you, Bryan!"



About Bryan Redfield

I studied psychology at UCLA and was a bartender in Hollywood for 14 years.

During that time I carefully watched over 10,000 men and women approach, meet, interact, and relate with each other. I observed them ask each other out and date, trying to establish a relationship that would make them both happy.

Over the years the one group I paid special attention to were the 57 couples who were my regular customers that were happily married for over ten years.

Because I was their bartender and their friend they eagerly let me interview them. They held nothing back. They told me everything.

I kept very detailed notes on what works, what doesn’t, and why. That formed the basis of your course.

I field-tested my System with 106 women who were serious about finding a long-lasting relationship that could lead to marriage. Working together, the women and I polished it until it worked for any woman regardless of her age, physical appearance, or background.

That’s when I knew I couldn’t keep this System secret anymore.

Why wait? Start the course now!

Why put off the inevitable and waste more time if he's not the right guy for you? Find out his true intentions and discover all the pieces you've been missing to finally build the long-lasting loving relationship you've always dreamed of.

This course comes with an Unconditional Lifetime Money Back Guarantee.

THAT'S how certain I am that this material is going to help you!

If you are unsatisfied for any reason, you can contact me and return it for a full refund.

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